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A brand is so much more than a logo or tagline; it’s a community. The brands that make people feel welcomed, that instil trust in people, and that form a positive emotional connection with people are the ones that earn loyal fan bases. Everything your company does or says contributes towards your brand image and at the end of the day, it’s not you who defines whether your brand is successful or not, it’s your audience that does.

Having said that, there are some key points that will help to ensure that your brand is as successful as it can be, and we’ve listed them below.


It’s easier for people to connect with a brand that has a clearly defined ‘why’. Whether it’s to take action against global issues, to work towards a new social landscape, or to make people feel great about themselves, a ‘why’ allows people with the same values to find your brand, and make a genuine connection with you.

As well as a ‘why’ being vital in bringing customers through your doors – literally or figuratively – it’s the only thing that is sure to keep your company going when things get tough. Longevity is only achieved through unwavering dedication to a cause, so ensuring that your ‘why’ is hardwired into the fabric of your brand will go a long way to creating a successful, sustainable business.


Customers can see right through an inauthentic brand, and they’ll be less inclined to trust a company if they feel like they’re being lied to. In order for a brand to be a true, lasting success it needs to really believe in what it’s selling its audience.

It can be tricky keeping up appearances when they’re fake, and sooner or later the guise will slip. Instead of waiting for the inevitable to happen and frantically doing damage control to avoid losing your entire fan base, it pays to put the work in right from the start and create a brand that is truly authentic.


People like to see the real people behind brands, and to hear the lived experiences that link them to the brand in the first place. Showing the team that work behind the scenes humanises a brand, allowing its fans to form authentic emotional connections with it. It can also foster a deeper sense of trust when people see those who work for a brand, which results in a more loyal fan base.

As well, sharing snapshots of your team allows you to communicate your ‘why’ more easily. You can share stories from team members about why they believe in the brand, and why prospective customers should too.


Knowing your audience inside out is essential to building a successful brand. Different audiences have different needs, desires, and drivers for parting with their hard-earned money. By identifying these factors, you can create a brand that resonates with your target audience, and that feels like a natural partnership.

Once you’ve honed in on your target market and have identified what they look for in a brand, it’s important to communicate this information across your company, and in particular to your marketing team. Being able to show your audience that your values align with theirs, and that your products or services will enhance their lives is what cultivates organic relationships with consumers, and is ultimately what fosters customer loyalty in the long-term.


Competition is expected in business, but in order for your brand to thrive amongst your competitors you need a unique selling proposition (USP). Having a unique element to your brand – whether it’s a product that no one else is offering, an unparalleled customer service set-up, a guarantee of top-tier quality, or something else entirely – ensures that you stand out from the crowd.

As well as drawing new customers to your brand, a USP will give them a reason to return. If consumers can only access a product or receive a certain customer service experience with your company alone, they’re likely to return time and time again, which in turn makes your brand increasingly successful.

There are so many factors that go into making a brand a success, and no one component part is enough on its own; a brand is a great example of something that is greater than the sum of its parts. Each facet of your brand needs to come together to form a unified whole, and if you’re successful in this, it’s likely that your brand will be a success as well.

If you’re looking to start your own brand or need help to make your existing brand more successful, we’d love to hear from you! Follow this link to start a conversation today.



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